

YWriter5 is free to download and use, but you're encouraged to register your copy if you find it useful. yWriter was designed by an author, not a salesman! It will not write your novel for you, suggest plot ideas or perform creative tasks of any kind. Drag and drop of chapters, scenes, characters, items and locations.YWriter is a word processor which breaks your novel into chapters and scenes, helping you keep track of your work while leaving your mind free to create.


  • Storyboard view, a visual layout of your work.
  • Viewpoint character, goal, conflict and outcome fields for each scene.
  • Allows multiple scenes within chapters.
  • ywriter6

    Saves automatic backups at user-specified intervals.Saves a log file every day, showing words per file and the total.Display the word count for every file in the project, along with a total.Add scenes, characters, items and many words are written in a scene and how many scenes are included in a chapter. The layout is easy to follow and it provides progress trackers that allow you to keep an eye on things, i.e. The app has a clean interface that is very easy to work with. It works by organizing your work into chapters and scenes, thereby allowing you to schedule your work as if it were a project. YWriter is handy little app that has some really useful features for novelists.
